
Diablo 2 druid build solo baal hell
Diablo 2 druid build solo baal hell

diablo 2 druid build solo baal hell diablo 2 druid build solo baal hell

All enemies of the Lord of Destruction are bathed in this destructive force, leaving only ashen remains in its wake. Incineration Nova: Created from fires summoned forth from the underworld, this explosion of hellfire singes even the most stalwart warrior of light.If you have at least as much max Mana as max Life, you can be cursed. Blood Mana only affects you if you have more Mana than Life. Whenever this curse is cast on you, stop casting spells until it's worn off, click on a Shrine to counteract it, or go back to town and have it removed. This even includes such spells like Teleport but doesn't include Thunderstorm or Energy Shield because you have already cast them. For skills that require more mana, you will take more damage. This curse causes you to do damage to yourself when you cast spells. Blood Mana: Succubi and Baal cast a special curse shown in the screenshot below (Along with Thunderstorm and Energy Shield).Defense Curse: Baal can cast a curse resembling three converging needles which cuts your Defense by 60% in Normal, 75% in Nightmare, and 95% in Hell.Decrepify: This curse is the same as the Necromancer's Curse.Teleport: Baal can Teleport around but he cannot heal himself in the process.By defeating Baal, you can play the game again in the next difficulty. It is required to defeat Baal to complete Eve of Destruction quest. Bosses are the final enemy of an act an its required to defeat them to progress in the game. Bosses have a higher amount of health and are distinctively unique with their own set of moves.īaal is the last monster and the Act boss of Act 5. Baal is a Demon and can be found at the end of Act 5.

Diablo 2 druid build solo baal hell